How can you easily record a call on iPhone?


Sometimes you may find that you need to record a phone call, it may be for work, or a conversation that contains important details that you want to be able to listen to again, but if you are using an iPhone, there is no feature that is officially included that allows you to do so. So, how do you do this?

How can you record phone call on iPhone easily?

But why doesn't the iPhone allow you to record phone calls?

In fact, the answer is very simple: In some US states and European countries, recording phone calls is illegal, and given that the main market for iPhones is the USA and Europe, Apple found that including a feature previously built into its phones that allows recording phone calls would put it in front of many of the unnecessary legal lawsuits, it has not yet included this feature in its phones.

In addition, due to Apple's focus on privacy and security features, the inclusion of a phone call recording feature may represent a major breach of privacy for its phone users, and the lack of a built-in phone call recording feature will allow the iOS operating system to prevent apps from accessing the microphone and the phone app directly.

So how do you record a phone call using your iPhone?

One of your options is to download a third-party application, but before you start recording you must inform or ask permission from the person on the other end of the call, and you can use the (Call Recorder Rev) application that allows you to easily record calls. There are no limits for incoming and outgoing calls. .

You can also use the (TapeACall) application that allows you to record phone calls without limiting the time or number of recordings that you can make, and it also allows you to easily transfer the recordings to your other devices.

There is also another option, which is the (Google Voice) application that allows you to easily record a phone call, all you have to do is create a free account in Google, then you can then adjust the settings until the phone call that you want to record is answered through the application or redirected it to your mobile phone number.

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