Apple cut off updates to Wordpress app on iOS


Today, the CEO of WordPress and its co-founder announced that Apple has prevented the company from updating its application on iOS because it does not get a percentage of in-app purchases, which made it classify the application as “Locked by App Store” meaning that it is not possible to make updates.

According to the developer, after this decision, they are unable to develop the application, send updates, and fix errors, and this is all because WordPress sells ".com domains" and Apple do not get a percentage of those sales, but the matter here is completely different, as WordPress services are sold via the web basically and your purchase of it from the application will not affect the way you use it or give you additional features within it!

WordPress is a platform for blogging and website making, as it is used in many other uses, and clearly any sales inside WordPress are not related to Apple, except that Apple later, after igniting the news, contacted him and explained that he can add purchases without a problem and without taking a share of it.

What we understand is that the Apple has reversed its decision so as not to open itself to other problems just as it did with its problem with Epic Games and Fortnite. 

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