iPhone 6 Plus burned in the back pocket of a student

It is said that the phone iPhone 6 Plus burned in the back pocket of the student Darin Hlavaty, a student at Rowan College in Burlington causing create a hole in his jeans. "I feel that this is crazy, hot burns in my legs. "
He added that the iPhone 6 Plus began burning in his pocket. His colleague Rebecca Bookbinder heard that section and sparkling sound comes out of the pocket of Darin Hlavaty before smoke starts to escalate from the phone. A spokesman for the school said that the teacher summoned the public safety team and benefited themselves and that there is a phone burns. It is not clear yet what caused the burning iPhone 6 Plus, but given that the phone was in the pocket of its owner, we know that the phone was not connected to the charger.
Apple did not provide any reason for burning yet, but said that it was investigating in this case because it attaches the utmost importance to the safety of its customers, it says.
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