iOS 10 is installed in 66% of all devices less than a month after release

After less than a month of release, about 66 percent of supported devices are already working with the last version of the Apple operating system.
This is a record achievement, even if the system iOS 10 were compared with the previous versions. In spite of that previous versions of iOS had done remarkable work when it comes to adoption speed compared with the versions of Android.
iOS 10 able to break all previous figures. As you can see in the charts below, any version of iOS system was unable to achieve what iOS 10 system has managed to achieve in such a short period of time, and this is evidence of the growing popularity of the iOS 10 system at the expense of the other versions of iOS.
In fact, this does not seem surprising given that more users decided to upgrade to iOS 10 system thanks to several of new features, not so only, the system iOS 10 became more open which gives to the developers more space for creativity through applications. Strong sales of the two phones iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus may be another reason for the increase in the market share of the new system, iOS 10.

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