Apple is facing a lawsuit on charges reducing storage space in its organs

Two users of Apple's smart devices, in the state of California, USA lawsuit against the company, claiming they accuse the exercise deceptive policies in terms of storage space available to users apparatuses.

He accused the locat, in the lawsuit, the company reduced the amount of space available for users of smart organs, especially equipped internal memory storage capacity of 16 GB, so when you put the operating system iOS 8.

Locat said in the lawsuit that Apple deceptive and misleading on the information provided about the internal capacity of the organs that smart, and they added that the system iOS 8 consumes at least 18% of the 16-GB devices space.

The system consumes 18.1% of the total area of the 16 GB iPhone 5 S phones, with the ratio rising to 18.8% in the iPhone 6 phones, and to 20.6% in the iPhone 6 Plus phones.

At the level of tablet computers, the system iOS 8 consumes representing 21.3% of the interior space of the device, leaving the user to about 12.6 GB valid for use, while the percentage rises to 23.1 in iPod devices, which leaves only 12.3 GB of available space.

He stressed the lawsuit owners that Apple indirectly benefit from shrinking the space available to users, by providing paid storage plans cloud across its service "iCloud", at a time when the refuse to cooperate with other cloud storage services to be provided as an alternative to serviced own.

It is noteworthy that users seek to transform the judiciary against Apple invited to a public suit on behalf of all consumers who have already buy the company's smart devices equipped with memory storage capacity of 16 GB.

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