Apple is secretly acquiring an Israeli company that specializes in camera technologies


Apple acquired an Israeli company that specializes in developing camera technologies between 2018 and 2019, and this company was previously called Tipit and was working in the fields of computing vision, but at the time of the acquisition it was called Camerai.

Some sources have indicated that the major development in Apple's AR technologies such as ARKit has relied on this acquisition, which has been described as a covert acquisition. According to a local newspaper named Calcalist, Apple's acquisition of Camerai was a very important acquisition for Apple, and that company's technologies have become major technologies at the present time in camera applications on Apple devices.

The value of the acquisition is not officially known, which is natural due to the secrecy of the acquisition, but one of the sources close indicates that the acquisition cost Apple tens of millions of dollars, while Camerai includes 13 employees, most of them have moved to Apple's team in Israel.

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