the best thing to really increase the battery life of your iPhone
A small adjustment to change, and presto, it could be that the battery life of your iPhone increases dramatically.
I know from reading the title, you are definitely says "catchy title, is known for a long time all the tips to increase the battery life by heart, we have already read thousands of articles on the subject ..."
Certainly. Moreover in your place I would have thought the same thing.
Except that we do have a very effective way to extend the battery life of the iPhone in a way that I will not hesitate to describe as spectacular. This trick may have already aired, but personally I do not remember having ever seen me, or else drowned in a list among others, which makes it less visible.
So what is it? There is nothing simpler: just disable processes that enable applications installed on the device to update in the background. That automatically kill any task taking place without the knowledge of your own free will, and to use the applications when you need it.
To do this, it's easy: just go to Settings> General> Update the background: OFF.
On my iPhone 6, which - like the previous - could hardly before a short day, about 10 to 12 hours of "normal" use, the effect of this small setting was radical: battery time more than doubled, ie enabled device at 8am to 23h battery still showed 65%. And apparently I'm not alone: see the comments on my Facebook post Tuesday ...
Another change is the iPhone does not heat up as he did regularly and randomly before.
So maybe that this effect will be less dramatic in some, as this of course depends on the number and nature of installed applications, and also the context (a smartphone is always faster discharge in a moving car or TGV with Faraday cage effect) but it's definitely worth a try, especially since I have not seen any change in my use and operation of the device after deactivation.
Of course, other battery saving settings are still valid, in addition to this one. If you do not need to frequently: Turn off WiFi, BlueTooth, geolocation, Siri, time automatic scheduling, and 3G / 4G if you can use a Wi-Fi spot. Switch to airplane mode from time to time during periods when one does not need to be connected when a long day was to hold can also help.
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