Google and Qualcomm are heavily betting on HMD Global Oy, and are investing massively in it

HMD Global Oy announced that Qualcomm and Google have invested heavily in the new home of Nokia phones.  The total investment is $ 230 million and the company does not disclose all of the investors but it does give us a good idea of ​​how the Nokia brand will develop in the future.

 According to HMD Global Oy, the new investment of $ 230 million will be leveraged to accelerate the adoption of 5G technology by introducing more 5G-enabled smartphones and helping HMD Global Oy also reach more markets around the world.  In addition, with all the fuss caused by the ban of Huawei in the United States of America, Google is looking to push a new manufacturer of Android phones to the list of the best-selling smartphones in the world.

 With HMD Global Oy retaining some of its employees, including its data center in Finland, it is clear that the company is unlikely to enter into the ongoing dispute between the Chinese government and the US government, so HMD Global Oy appears as a safe bet for both Qualcomm and Google.


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