'Might steal something’: Black teenagers kicked out of Apple Store in Australia

A video has spread online shows the expulsion of six students from the Apple store in the Australian city of Melbourne because of the color of their skin , where one of the staff of the store said that the security agencies have complained they are going to stealing products from the store, and for this reason have been barred from entering.

CEO of Apple Tim Cook did not hesitate to respond quickly to the incident adolescents in Australia, where Send e-mail to the company's employees in all Apple retail stores around the world.
Tim Cook has said in the e-mail to its employees, that "the exclusion of clients from Apple stores for whatever reason, is not the message that Apple is seeking to reach to customers in the company's stores".

It is worth mentioning that the nationalities of the six students who were exposed to this incident in Apple's Store , due to both Somalia and Sudan, and which a lot of students consider it a kind of racism against these students.

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