Galaxy Note 5 may be cheaper than the Galaxy Note 4

Although the new Galaxy S6 is the most spectacular part of the smart phone from Samsung, have forced the recent financial results disappointing Samsung to reduce the price of smart phones. In light of these events, it has today released a report from Taiwan report that Galaxy Note 5 will be cheaper than the Galaxy Note 4.

It is said that the Galaxy Note 5 will be cheaper which is equivalent to US $ 31, at least in Taiwan, but it is still not yet known whether it will reduce the price of Galaxy Note 5 worldwide. Earlier this week, some sources in Taiwan reported that the Galaxy Note 5 initially will cost about US $ 755, and the price is cheaper than the Galaxy Note4 , which was released last year at a price of US $ 786.

On the assumption that already have been issued Galaxy Note 5 in Taiwan at a lower price than the price of Galaxy Note 4, we assume that Samsung will not deal the same way in the Western Hemisphere. In some European countries were already reducing the price of Galaxy S6 by about US $ 100, which makes it cheaper than the Galaxy Note 4.

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