, funny process used by Google to recruit a programmers

A new recruit Google tells how she was found by the latter, thanks to its queries on the search engine.

When you have a computer puzzle to solve, look for solutions on the search engine of the Mountain View company.

This at least suggests that the testimony of Max Rosset, newcomer Google, who has been recruited or rather found through queries she was on the search engine.

As he says in a blog post on The Hustle, Rosset thought he was not yet ready to apply at Google. But Google did not agree.

Then he leaned over a computer problem within the framework of a project he was working on, he turned to the search engine Google to find a solution. His request was "lambda function Python list comprehension."

"You speak our language. Up for a challenge? ". This is the message, very unusual, that appeared on his browser. And after a few minutes of hesitation, he decided to accept the challenge.

Max Rosset is then redirected to the page named "" where they are asked to solve a series of puzzles requiring high skills in algorithms.

And at the end (it still took him a while), Google asked its coordinates.

At that time, he thought that that was it. But shortly after, he was contacted by a Google employee who asked him to apply. And three months after the beginning of this story, he was hired.

According to it, "and a gloss tactical Recruitment". "Google has used it to identify myself before I applied elsewhere, and they made me feel important when doing so. At the same time, they respected my privacy and did not join without explicitly asking my information, "he explains.

After that, it is not the first time that Google uses its search engine for finding talent. For example, a The Hacker News site user told a year ago when he was researching the Python language, Google's page suddenly split in two in the middle to show a message saying "You talk our language, would you do a test? "Which then redirected to


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