10 tools used by hackers to crack the password

To crack a password is unfortunately easier than you think. To protect themselves, the better is worth to know the tools used by hackers.

Find below the complete list of these tools, fruit of the work of the researcher Pavitra Shankdhar.

Of course it is not about promoting any incentive to use these tools for malicious purposes. All these tools are anyway available to the public, and we should just raise awareness on the need to create a strong password, and tools listed below can help you test the security of your passwords. If you are looking for tips on not one discovers your password, here are some best practices and passwords to avoid. Among others: use long passwords with numbers, special characters, not always use the same password, do not use your cat's name, etc.

1. Brutus

It is probably the most popular tool. It runs Windows, is fast and flexible. It has not been updated for years but may nevertheless be useful.

2. RainbowCrack

This tool runs on Windows and Linux is known to be faster than the tools that use the traditional method called brute force cracking. Some resources are free but to go further, pay-tables are also available.

3. Wfuzz

Wfuss is a web application that uses the brute force method. The tool also allows you to find hidden resources such as directories or scripts.

4. Cain and Abel

Cain and Abel is also a known tool. It runs on Windows and has been developed for network administrators, professionals security and testers.

5. John the Ripper

John the Ripper is an open source tool available for Linux, Unix and Mac OS X. The tool can detect passwords that are weak. A pro version of the tool is also available.

6. THC Hydra

THC Hydra is a cracking tool known to be fast. The tool is available on Windows, Linux, Free BSD, Solaris and OS X. Developers can also participate in the development of the tool.

7. Medusa

Medusa is quite similar to THC Hydra tool. To use it, you must know the principle of command lines. Locally, the tool can test 2000 passwords per minute.

8. ophcrack

OphCrackest a cracking tool available for Windows, Linux and Mac. The tool is free and its specialty is the Windows passwords.

9. L0phtCrack

L0phtCrack is an alternative to ophcrack. It also allows to perform audits via scan routines to set daily, weekly or monthly basis.

10. Aircrack-NG

Aircrack-NG allows cracker WiFi passwords. The tool is available on Linux and Windows.

If the subject of ethical hacking interests you, remember that there are courses that allow you to learn more about how you can crack a password. Indeed, good knowledge in the field allow researchers or Chief Security Officers in a company to audit applications and improve security. Cyber criminals also use these tools but do so for the wrong reasons, such as accessing the data of some users. This article must be for you awareness: protect yourself and use strong passwords. Use these tools for malicious purposes is at your own responsibility: rather see then is an opportunity to learn rather than an opportunity to harm others.

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