Disclosure of the true cost to industry iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

There is no doubt that the phone Apple's new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 + has no record sales did not expect even the most optimistic in the company and is something which was confirmed by the Executive Director (Tim Cook), while expressing his surprise of the volume of sales, which amounted to 10 million phone in only three days, and a whole year after the issuance of the new phone to Apple, the niche sites are the "autopsy" to see its components and manufacturing cost. 

Site (Teardown.com) dismantled the new phone in order to identify its components and to give the cost of manufacturing and compare it with the sales price, depending on the location and phone Teardown.com the iPhone 6 new estimated cost of $ 227 to be manufactured in selling price is starting from $ 649 , while the second model iPhone 6 Plus is up to the cost of processing 242 dollars, while the price to sell it, starting from $ 749. 

According to the site, the manufacturing cost of each of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus has known an increase compared with last year for phone iPhone 5 reaching the cost of making a first-class iPhone 5S to 191 dollars, while the cost of manufacturing fashioned the second iPhone 5C it identifies in the amount of $ 166. 

On the other hand, the site Teardown.com confirmed that the manufacturing cost does not include only the components of the initial two phones without counting the rest of the costs, as the cost of labor and research and development, marketing, and others, and among the components that contributed to the lifting of the value compared with the iPhone 6 Previous iPhone 5 screen is the model for the iPhone 6, which is estimated at 41.50 dollars in addition to the processor A8.

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